Writing Brigit

Writing Brigit

Many years ago I wrote my first Brigit prayer. Poem. Blessing... I have been writing them ever since, but seldom publish them. Some are carefully researched and crafted, some are simple and straight from the heart. (Belated update: I did eventually publish a book called A Brigit of Ireland Devotional - Sun Among Stars. It contains many of my Brigit poems and prayers, essays, and resources.)

The prayers and blessings of my sisters in the Daughters of the Flame and other Brigit-loving women and men, living and long-dead, fill me with surprise and delight, as well.

I would like to share some of these writings with you.

Following is the one that signs off each of my emails, a reminder to guide my words and intentions with care when I write to anyone. It's as good a place to start as any.

Flame Offering

In the name of the three Brigits

I light the candle of my heart

May I offer it to everyone

gentle and steady

warm and bright

06 March 2020

“My Best Horse” by Mael Brigde

My Best Horse

this is my best horse
bones hard
from limey Curragh soil
he will bear my chariot
with all our weight
and all our visions
he with his bold
black companions
across the tracks of Éire
west and east

should our journey keep us
late upon the road
and the púca rise dripping
from the marsh
though the rest may bolt
—and God be with them—
this hard-boned lad will lock
eyes with the gravest night-mare
win us passage
our prayers and his devotion
keep straight the chariot

onward to our goal
we and he

Image: "Ireland Horse And The Storm Clouds" by Thomas Haid Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

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