Songs of the Oystercatcher
Honouring Brihde through the Wheel of the Year
Heather Upfield
Bridie sailed up the west coast of Scotland and walked these lands that I walk.
She's still here in the many chapels and features of the landscape.
But she's not remote, but warm, domestic, a much-loved aunt...
the Oystercatchers call her name, and I join them in their calling

These poems have been inspired by the Goddess Brighid herself. They developed over the
course of a year from the original Invocation I made to Bride at Candlemass in February
2008. This is the first poem in the cycle.
The cycle then follows the wheel of the Celtic year, with New Year starting in the darkness of
Samhuinn (November), and working through Winter Solstice, Imbolc, Spring Equinox, Beltane,
Summer Solstice, Lammas and finishing with Autumn Equinox. The poems contain nuances
and subtle correspondences to the Festivals they represent and are intended to be used
prayerfully and meditatively during the Festival season.
Living close to the sea in Ayrshire, Scotland, I frequently see the Oystercatcher along the
shore and rejoice in the connection between this beautiful bird and Brihde. The poetry is
part of their song.
No charge is made for downloading these poems, but I would ask that anyone who does so,
makes a donation to a charity in their neighbourhood, and then emails me at and lets me know they have done so. Wouldn't it be marvellous if
benefits from this poetry poured out into nature and the environment, health and social
care, human rights and peace!
May the Blessing of Brighid be always with you
May the Blessing of Brighid be always with those you love
May the Blessing of Brighid be always a bright and eternal flame in your heart.
Heather Upfield
To download Songs of the Oystercatcher by Heather Upfield, click here.
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