Elemental Brighid, I have heard your voice
and it is a deep, knowing
You are the keening on the wind,
the sorrow of loss
You are the breath that breathes
new light
new thoughts, new knowledge.
You are the beating of the wings
of a swan,
the poet’s cloak of feathers.
You are the falling acorns of your
sacred oak.
Elemental Brighid, I have felt
your touch
and it is deep within the beating
of my heart.
You are the green grass and the
hollow hills,
the crags, the trilithons and the
burial mound.
You are the speckled snake,
prophetess of time;
You are the Three Worlds united
in the wide branches, towering
trunk and
underground roots of your sacred
Elemental Brighid, I have tasted
bitterness and intoxication
in the flowing waters that are the
gentle brook and
the rushing river.
For you are the five streams of my
the flow of the ocean, the deep,
clear pool.
You hold wisdom and healing, the
blood of life.
You are the delicate bend of the
Elemental Brighid, I have seen
your true nature
and I know who you are.
You wear the multi-hued raiment of
a changing flame.
You are the bright, strong desire
of fire in the belly;
the burning creation of fire in
the head;
the heat of the sun and the inner
You are the words of the poet and
the bard.
You are the lightning strike
on the living oak of the Druids.
Image: Irish Oak, Oak Cottage This tree in the garden at Oak Cottage at Lisnarick is over 400 years old and the girth of the trunk is 5.5 metres. There are surrounding beech trees which may have been planted at the time of the plantation. By Kenneth Allen.
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